t5higher and louder
feel the burn!
training trumpeters to teach themselves
Higher and louder Weekend Seminar
november6-7, 2021
An Online Experience For A Limited Number Of Trumpet Players Who Want to Build Strength and Range.
Loud playing has always been one of my strengths. I have theories of when I developed it and why, but suffice it to say, I can really pump out the sound when needed. And it is a good thing, since I play in one of the most powerful brass sections anywhere!
What about you? Do you feel like you could use an extra gear towards FFF? Are there some tunes that feel out of reach because you feel like your volume is limited? Want to be able to soar above the whole band?
How about high notes? If THAT is something you are constantly trying to improve I can definitely relate to that. I didn’t learn to play high notes well or easily until I was into my 3rd job!
Either way, all trumpeters NEED to be able to play loud and high. Obviously we need all the other extremes but my T5 seminar “How To Play Higher (faster) and Louder” will focus on these staples of the instrument used for thousands of years to GET YOUR ATTENTION!
This weekend seminar will focus on developing a sustainable method to play high and loud while maintaining:
- a beautiful sound
- stable pitch
- good intonation
- elegant phrasing
Here’s the schedule (ALL TIMES IN EASTERN TIME ):
Saturday November 6
2:00-4:15 Masterclass
Sunday November 7
1:30-3:30 Masterclass
3:30-4:00 Question and Answer Session
This is only a partial clip : the full Don Juan tutorial is over 20 minutes long.
This is only a small sample – the full Schlossberg tutorial is 35 minutes long!
While the centerpieces of the program are the live sessions, all particpants AND auditors will get access to a set of video tutorials from my Sound Truth Library™ that cover excerpts and scale routines I used to develop and maintain the extremes in my playing. These will include:
- One-octave scale routine
- Top tones Scale system
- Breathing tips
- Warm up routine
- Mahler 5 first movement complete tutorial
- Don Juan solo and tutorial
- Bartok Mandarin Second Trumpet
- Wagner Word Theme from Gotterdamerung
- Strauss Alpine Symphony
- Strauss Also Sprach Zarathustra
- Parsifal
- Bach B-minor Mass
- Schlossberg
- Lip slurs/trills
Do you want live feedback from me in real time? I have reserved the first 8 spots for Boot Camp members who will have the chance to play live in the classes.
When these 8 spots are filled, they’re gone.
If you would prefer to just observe join as an auditor.
Auditors get:
Access to all live classes and video content
Videos of each masterclass you can watch over and over.
“Studying with Ben was one of the best things that happened to me for my trumpet playing… Hearing Ben, not only in lessons, but on stage with the BSO every week, was enormously beneficial for my later success. I wouldn’t be where I am today without my time studying with him.“
Travis Peterson
Principal Trumpet
The Utah Symphony