Level up your playing this spring
Spring Training
t5 = training trumpeters to teach themselves
Come “work out” with me three times a week this spring!
Starting in March, I’ll be hosting thrice (that’s right, I said thrice… as in, THREE TIMES) weekly sessions featuring warm ups and fundamentals.
When I talk with players all over the world, the topics they ask about the most are the building blocks of our playing – how we start our day and how we maintain and build excellence in our technique.
Vince Cichowicz said the best way to learning was through modeling or imitating.
I couldn’t agree more, so that is the idea behind these sessions. I will play my warm up and fundamentals, leaving enough time between each exercise for Members to imitate it in their practice room.
Here’s the schedule:
Sunday morning 10:30 am eastern time:
warm up and chat. We’ll warm up and I’ll field questions via chat as we go.
Thursday 4:30 eastern:
Fundamentals of the day – whatever my week needs, that is what we do. Might be Stamp, Thibaud, Clarke, Schlossberg, or Arban. I’ll talk you through WHY I am doing what I am doing and field a few questions.
Friday 9:30 am warm up and chat
All sessions will go around :45…
Membership will be by one-month Subscription for $59. Sign up for March AND April and it’s a better deal: $99 : That’s at least 12 sessions per month, which works out to a little more than $4 per session.
If you’d like more one-on-one time with me, there will be an option to sign up for a half hour or hour long lesson at checkout.
Can't Make It?
Can’t make one of the sessions? They will be recorded and shared.
“In my zoom lessons and masterclasses, I am getting the same information via his high-quality audio setup as if I were sitting in the same room with Mr. Wright, without the expense and hassle of traveling to Boston.
The Sound Truth Library videos and Practice Window Training create a great feedback loop – I listen to Ben play an excerpt and the same week be coached on how to work through it at home.
The Practice Window training really helped me create better practice habits – it quickly showed me how I could be more efficient in getting to my goals faster.”
Ben Hauser
Spring 2021
T5 member
Principal Trumpet York (PA)
Principal Trumpet Arkansas Symphony
“Ben’s teaching made me see the importance of playing longer lines and being more organized. Hearing him in person and in the orchestra was always inspiring. My playing wouldn’t be where it is today if I hadn’t studied with him.“
“Ben has been an incredible mentor and teacher for me, and I can’t thank him enough for all the invaluable lessons he has given me in music and beyond…. The perspective he provided was just the right push at just the right time to allow me to be happy and successful here and now.“
“Ben’s approach of singing to save chop time and focus on the music was really beneficial to me. His focus on being mentally and physically balanced was one of the keys to my success in winning auditions. Years after I studied with Ben, he was a pillar of support when I needed his it most – his advice helped me bounce back from a challenging time in my career and move forward.“
It has been wonderful to have the structure of a studio setting during this gap year between undergrad and grad school. It would have been easy to slow down and regress with a total lack of performance opportunities. Getting instruction from a world-class symphony musician was great, as was getting feedback multiple times a week from Ben and my Practice Partners. It would have been so much harder to improve on my own. It was fantastic to hear from so many professionals with different perspectives in the weekly Trumpet Chats.